Thursday, March 8

Marching to a different drummer

More of the wrong sort of publicity today as the fall-out of the on/off/on/off protest march continues. The Independent has published a lengthy piece on the march saga, its sudden postponement and the threats made to other fan groups who intended to still march. It's now been called off again after Newham Council had safety concerns. Today's Evening Standard has reproduced much of that story and says the board is now distancing itself from some former members of the Inter City Firm.

The real beneficiaries of it going all Life of Brian will be the board as the fans are now split. Supporting West Ham is meant to be part of an inclusive family. Previously the Real West Ham Fans had made some progress uniting a lot of different fan groups. But threatening other West Ham fans because of their opinions or political views is always reprehensible. We sit with fans of all shades of political and football opinion, normally united in misery, which is the way it should be. Let's have some tolerance please. It will be a relief to get back to the football.

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